What Do You Think Of A Proposed Plastic Bag Ban In CT?
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- Hate It.
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The legislature’s Environment Committee voted 24-4 for a bipartisan bill that would ban the sale of single-use plastic bags, straws and take-out containers as soon as 2020. The proposed legislation would require stores use 100 percent recyclable paper bags that contain no less than 40 percent recycled materials.
The bill will now go to the Senate for a vote.
Under the proposed law, stores that fail to comply will be issued a warning for a first violation, followed by $250 fines for any further violations. The bill notes that any town or city that has a ban already in place will not be impacted by the final action taken by the state.
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, single-use plastic bags are one of the top five single-use plastics found in the environment by magnitude, and they are one of the top five items encountered in coastline clean-ups.
Between 500 billion and one trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Less than 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled in the United States and they are not acceptable at certain recycling centers.
The EPA estimates that 80 percent of plastic pollution in the ocean originated on land, which includes plastic bags, and in New York, residents use 23 billion plastic bags annually, which contributes to pollution both on and off land. These bags do not biodegrade and they persist for years.
"Plastic pollution has become a serious threat to our lakes, rivers and marine environment as well as public health. Scientists are finding plastic pollution in shellfish and finfish, making its way to our dinner plates,” Citizens Campaign for the Environment Executive Director Adrienne Esposito said. “Giving up plastic bags and using reusable bags is one easy, reasonable step each member of the public can take to help combat the plastic pollution epidemic. It is time for everyone to get on the plastic bag 'ban wagon.”
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